Grand Power Cleaners
Window Spa
- Eco Friendly Treatment
- Cover All Nook and corner
- Steam Sanitation
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How we do it
Scope of work
Washing ,Scrubbing, Drying of glass surfaces using brushes, sponges, wet cloths.
Glasses Foaming with soapy liquids and gently scrubbed followed by Drying using Cloth or Squeeze.
Window Panels And Grills are also Sccurbed and cleaning
our superior Window cleaning technology make your Windows and glass look new for longer.
We use dedicated pure micro fiber, and equipment to reduce the environmental impact of cleaning and also improve indoor air quality. We use different sets of flannels for living areas, kitchens, bathrooms and hallways to ensure the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness.
We bring our own equipment, tools, and environmentally-friendly cleaning materials and only use the best international products that are safe to use for home cleaning.